Sunday, October 20, 2013

The flu...

I've decided to take up blogging again. I think it will be a great way for me to journal. Don't feel obligated to read this, I'm sure it will be filled with some of my witty humor ;) but it will probably be just what is going on in my day to day life. For example, what's my latest thing I've made from Pinterest, or how many loads of laundry I've washed, or maybe even what's my top level on Candy Crush. OK, to be honest I'm actually blogging again so I don't waste my time on things like Candy Crush. Like today, I've been sick in bed for 2 days with the flu. 2 days, that's a lot of time to spend by myself that I never have. That's how I rediscovered my blog and thought, Candy Crush is stupid, I should blog instead. So here I am. We'll see how it goes. :) Time to day goodnight to the kiddos.

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